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Get a CBD Immune System Boost! Here’s What You Need to Know

There has been an increased movement toward usage of CBD products for general wellness improvement in recent years. But is CBD truly effective at boosting the immune system?

Here is a quick look at CBD and its immune system benefits you should consider.

The link between CBD and the immune system

Every day your body gets exposed to hundreds of thousands of bacteria, viruses, diseases and potential infections. The immune system serves as your shield against these contaminants. Without an immune system, even a mild cold could be fatal.

The immune system comprises a system of tissues, organs and cells that work in conjunction to find and eliminate potentially-troublesome particles and viruses. If the immune system does not perform its job, undesirable and harmful cells in the body could start to multiply and pose a serious risk to your health.

Cannabinoids are often used to treat symptoms of autoimmune conditions (such as multiple sclerosis, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis) because the body’s endocannabinoid system works to notify the body of improper autoimmune responses. Adding cannabinoids to the body boosts the effectiveness of that system, which allows the body to more effectively find and fight against cells that cause damage.

CBD has already shown promise in helping boost immune system function in the face of these types of conditions, but there is still plenty of research needed to determine the full extent of the benefits there.

CBD is also beneficial for reducing inflammation, particularly for the aforementioned autoimmune disorders. It may be helpful for reducing cell degeneration as well. Many already take it to relieve pain and inflammation, especially for chronic conditions when they want a natural method of pain relief.

CBD and its interaction with the immune system

Cannabinoid receptor type 2 (CB2) reception in the endocannabinoid system typically occurs in the immune system.

Cannabinoid receptors type 1 (CB1) are also located in the immune system, but there are many more CB2 receptors than CB1.

CBD is also capable of working as both an immunosuppressant and an immunomodulator. The former can suppress immune system responses and treat rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and psoriasis, and the latter are agents that are most frequently used to regulate or normalize the immune system.

For people who have compromised immune systems or want to boost their overall health, CBD products may be the right choice. You can find CBD products in the form of tinctures, sprays, oils and pills, and it may be included as an ingredient in various other types of products that you commonly use around the home.

It is always beneficial to ask doctors about CBD before you begin adding it to your routine, especially if you have serious health conditions or are taking certain prescription medications. Make sure you do plenty of research to be sure you are comfortable before you start using products with CBD to boost your immune system or resolve some issues with chronic pain.

Get in touch with the team at Serym Pro today for more information about our products.

Using CBD for Pain Management

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural compound extracted from the sativa plant that is believed to have a variety of beneficial effects, including the ability to help people manage chronic pain, joint pain and arthritis. With minimal side effects and no risk of addiction, CBD provides outstanding wellness benefits that can help people live a more comfortable life.

Here are just a few of the reasons CBD is frequently used for pain management:

  • Anti-inflammatory: CBD is an anti-inflammatory product, meaning it can reduce inflammation in the joints and pain commonly associated with arthritis and other joint conditions.
  • Anti-oxidative: CBD is packed with antioxidants, allowing it to reduce inflammation by combating oxidative stress. This also helps it to relieve symptoms associated with autoimmune conditions, such as lupus.
  • Antiemetic: CBD can cut down on the incidence of vomiting and nausea associated with chemotherapy treatments.
  • Neuroprotective: CBD can help slow down the progression of certain neurological conditions, such as multiple sclerosis.

How does it work?

CBD dissolves in fats, which allows it to be carried through the blood-brain barrier and affect your central nervous system. Once it accomplishes this, it can create a variety of positive effects on pain, such as:

  • Improving immune response: CBD decreases the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and cuts down on the spread of T cells that are characteristic of systemic inflammatory disorders and various autoimmune conditions.
  • Reduced inflammation: CBD relieves oxidative stress and inflammation due to its properties as an antioxidant. It can also help reduce inflammation by preventing reductions in zinc and selenium, which are important for ensuring balanced immune responses in the body. Furthermore, CBD can reduce neuropathic pain commonly seen in conditions like fibromyalgia or certain types of back pain by acting against hyperalgesia.
  • Reduced pain signals: CBD stimulates adenosine uptake, which boosts the level of the substance in the brain and inhibits some pain sensors. By blocking pain signals from reaching the brain’s primary processing centers, people who suffer from chronic pain can experience some relief from their symptoms.
  • Better mood and sleep: Chronic pain affects more than just your level of comfort; it can also wreak havoc on your quality of sleep, your work, your mental health and your relationships. Using CBD to reduce your pain will help you sleep better, get through your workday without issue and generally improve the quality of your everyday life, relationships and general state of being.

Are you interested in learning more about how CBD can help with meditation, pain management and various other aspects of your everyday life? We encourage you to contact us today at Serym Pro with any questions you have.

There’s a reason why so many people are embracing CBD products as part of their everyday routines. The effects are obvious when you’ve experienced them, and your improved mood, better pain management and sharper focus can help you turn your life around, especially if it’s been consumed with chronic pain issues. Now’s the time to get started.

How Does CBD Help with Anxiety?

For people suffering from anxiety, it can be difficult to find a therapy that helps relieve the symptoms with minimal side effects. One of the more recent developments in anxiety treatment is the use of CBD.

Though more study is needed to fully understand it, many people are already using CBD to help relieve anxiety with positive results. There are many benefits of using CBD for anxiety, including relief of symptoms in the short- and long-term.

Here is some more information about CBD and its effects on anxiety symptoms:

Forms of CBD

CBD has many health benefits beyond treating anxiety, and it can be taken in many forms. For anxiety relief, some of the popular forms are oils, capsules, tinctures, sublingual sprays and edibles. You can also smoke or vaporize cannabis flower that is pure CBD with no psychoactive effects, since it does not contain any THC.

The method of ingestion will play a role in determining how quickly the effects are felt. For example, taking CBD orally in forms like edibles, oils or capsules will result in the effects being felt in anywhere between 30 minutes and 2 hours. On the other hand, smoking or vaping CBD will result in the effects being felt almost immediately.

For long-term reduction of anxiety, many people take CBD as they would any other daily. Often, this is in the morning with food.

Benefits and side effects

There are many benefits of CBD for anxiety. Studies have shown that it can help with a variety of anxiety-related disorders, including generalized anxiety, PTSD, obsessive-compulsive, social anxiety and panic. A recent study of nearly 400 individuals published in 2020 showed that all groups reported quality-of-life improvements over three weeks of CBD treatment and that those who received it for anxiety or repression reported improvements in daily functionality with fewer symptoms.

Side effects of CBD are minimal but should still be noted. The side effects include drowsiness, decreased appetite, weight changes and diarrhea. It should also be noted that CBD is not currently regulated by the FDA for anything other than one specific drug used to treat epilepsy.

If you suffer from anxiety, CBD may be a treatment that can help. To get started using CBD to help relieve anxiety, contact Serym Pro today.

Need a Vacation from Your Vacation? Tips to Beat Jet Lag During Your Holiday Travels

Whether you’re heading to a tropical beach or just to see your family, it’s always nice to get away during the holidays. The only downside of flying is jet lag. Our bodies’ inability to reset after traveling through multiple time zones leaves us feeling fatigued, dehydrated, confused, nauseous, excessively sweaty and can even lead to bad headaches.
The good news is that there are several ways to fight those horrible feelings and enjoy your vacation to the fullest. Follow these tips to beat jet lag on your holiday vacation:

  • Plan your flight times carefully: Combating jet lag begins when you book your flights. Try to reach your destination in the morning or early afternoon. That way, you’ll be tired and ready to fall asleep at your normal bedtime.
  • Get a good night’s sleep beforehand: Don’t stay up late packing or put off your pre-trip chores until the morning of your flight. Be sure to get in bed early to get a full night’s rest before your trip.
  • Have a plate of pasta before bed: Eating a carbohydrate-heavy meal before bed—especially if you’re traveling west—may help prevent jet lag by increasing sleep. It’s thought that carbs are a source of tryptophan, which can help activate the sleep-inducing neurotransmitter serotonin.
  • Stay hydrated: One of our tips to beat jet lag on your holiday vacation is to drink plenty of water. Dehydration can make us feel sleepy, so bring a bottle of water on the plane and keep drinking it throughout your trip. Additionally, try to avoid coffee, sugary beverages or alcohol, which all cause dehydration.
  • Avoid airplane food: Unless you’re on an overnight flight, try to avoid eating while you’re on the plane. While snacks are fine, a whole meal can trick your body into thinking it’s time to go to bed, which is precisely what you don’t want.
  • Soak up the sunshine: Once you’ve arrived at your vacation destination, get outside and soak up the sun. Getting outside boosts endorphins and can help you stay awake throughout the day without feeling groggy.
  • Get some exercise: Another way to boost endorphins is to exercise. You don’t need to do a full workout in the hotel fitness center—something as simple as taking a walk or swimming a few laps in the pool can get the job done.
  • Keep your regular sleep schedule: It may be tempting to take a mid-day nap once you’ve arrived, but try to avoid that at all costs. Napping will likely keep you up later at night, which will keep you feeling jet lagged the following day. Stay awake throughout the day and try going to sleep at your regular bedtime.

CBD may be able to help

If you’ve tried our tips to beat jet lag on your holiday vacation and you’re still having trouble falling asleep, try a Serym Pro CBD product. CBD is linked to providing better nights of sleep, and may be able to help you wake up feeling refreshed and ready for another day of vacation.

Thanksgiving 2021: How to Hack Your Gratitude

Due to COVID-19, this Thanksgiving may be the first time some of us are reuniting with family in two years, so we should all make it extra special by showing gratitude to anyone and everyone. Don’t worry if you have trouble showing gratitude sometimes—this post will show you how to be grateful this Thanksgiving 2021.

What are the benefits of gratitude?

Showing your appreciation has a ton of upsides. Here are a few reasons to spread your gratitude:

  • Improve physical and psychological health: Showing gratitude has benefits for the entire body. Studies suggest that it reduces aches and pains while increasing happiness.
  • Enhance empathy and reduce aggression: According to researchers, those who show gratitude are more likely to behave in a pro-social manner. They experience more empathy and are less likely to seek revenge.
  • Sleep better at night: When you know how to be grateful this Thanksgiving 2021, you’ll get a better night’s rest. After spending 15 minutes jotting down what you’re grateful for, you’ll fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

How to show your gratitude

Knowing the benefits of gratitude is important, but it’s not super helpful if you don’t know how to show it. These are a few easy things anyone can do:

  • Write a letter to a friend: We all have friends who are going through a tough time. Instead of texting or calling, send them an actual letter. They’ll be delighted upon receiving it knowing how much time and effort you put into writing and sending it.
  • Donate to your local food bank: Thanksgiving is a hard time of year for people experiencing hunger. Help them out by donating food or your time to a local food bank. Be sure to call beforehand to see what items they need.
  • Give thanks for the small stuff: We tend to overlook the little things and focus on the big things we’re grateful for. Instead, think about small occurrences in your daily life—like sunsets or chirping birds—and be grateful for those.
  • Show your love: Giving a hug or saying something as simple as “I love you” can both go a long way in displaying your gratitude and making someone’s day. Be sure to tell all of your family members you love them this holiday season.
  • Don’t forget to laugh: There will be times when you’ll get stressed out with so many friends and family members around, but if a small accident happens or a casserole gets burned, just laugh it off. Laughing makes everyone feel better.
  • Practice gratitude daily: Thanksgiving is a time of year when we’re reminded to be grateful for everything we have, but gratitude should be a daily practice! As mentioned earlier, we recommend writing down everything you’re grateful for before bed. This practice will become easier and easier, making you a more grateful person.

Show your gratitude with CBD

If you’re looking for a way to bring everyone together this year, start by giving everyone who’s interested a great-tasting CBD gummy from Serym Pro. Contact us today to learn more about the benefits of gratitude and all of our CBD products.

Can CBD Replace Your Daily Cup of Coffee?

People around the world enjoy a good cup of coffee—or a few cups—as part of their everyday routine. The caffeine in coffee can have some negative effects on people, though, from tremors and indigestion to insomnia and even higher blood pressure.

While giving up that daily cup of coffee might be tough, it’s not impossible when you try CBD. Can CBD replace your daily cup of coffee? Read on to discover how CBD can help ease stress and anxiety while supporting better energy levels throughout the day.

Avoiding the caffeine crash

Coffee and other caffeinated drinks simply aren’t all that healthy in large quantities, but that doesn’t keep many people from consuming them. There are many side effects associated with caffeine—in addition to the tremors, there’s the inevitable crash that occurs once the stimulant has left your system.
If you don’t want to give up your morning or afternoon cup of coffee, you don’t necessarily have to. Adding CBD to your daily routine can make the stimulant effect of caffeine much more pleasant. Many people are discovering how CBD can help ease stress and anxiety, allowing them to enjoy coffee’s stimulating properties without the not-so-pleasant side effects.

Replacing coffee entirely

Feel like you need to give up your daily coffee altogether? That’s okay, too—and CBD can help. As a dietary supplement, CBD can support your body holistically, and when combined with an overall healthy lifestyle, you can improve your energy levels without resorting to caffeine consumption. CBD can be used to support a range of daily activities, all of which can boost your energy in a natural way. Here’s how CBD can help:

  • Digestion: Studies suggest that CBD can promote better digestive system regulation, aiding in this important bodily process. Caffeine can cause constipation, diarrhea and gastric reflux, all of which impact your body’s digestive system. By ditching the coffee for CBD, you’ll improve digestive function and soak up more nutrients from the food you eat.
  • Exercise: CBD’s role as an inflammation fighter helps you get more from your workouts. Not only can CBD before a workout put you in the right mindset and boost your energy levels to help you reach your goals, but it also aids in post-workout recovery. By keeping inflammation down, you promote better muscle health, allowing you to lift heavier at the gym without excessive soreness.
  • Sleep: Nothing replenishes your body’s energy levels like sleep. Using CBD before bedtime relaxes the mind, helping you fall asleep faster and maintain a deeper sleep during the night. CBD can be especially effective in treating insomnia, helping you get back into an appropriate circadian rhythm, creating a better sleep/wake schedule that makes sense for you.

Can CBD replace your daily cup of coffee? It can, and it can help you live a healthier lifestyle. If you’re ready to give up your daily cup of joe, but still want to stay alert throughout the day, reach out to Serym Pro today. We can help you find the right products for your needs and kick your caffeine habit to the curb.

Should I Take CBD Before or After a Workout?

By now, it’s not much of a secret that CBD may provide the body with a whole host of unique health and wellness benefits. CBD may calm the mind, body, and so much more, and new benefits are being discovered every day.
If you’re looking for a way to enhance the effectiveness of your workouts, CBD may be the answer—but do you know how to use CBD pre-workout or how to use CBD post-workout? Here’s how you can make the most of this healthy supplement.

Using CBD before a workout

If you want to get a serious workout in, you need to be in the perfect mindset and feel well enough to perform at your best. Many athletes, and even the average person visiting the gym, are finding that CBD taken orally or topically may provide an extra edge that makes every workout that much more effective. Here’s how to use CBD pre-workout:

  • Promote mobility: Studies have shown that CBD improves mobility for people with multiple sclerosis and other serious diseases. Many people who work out start to feel sore before they reach their goals, but because CBD promotes mobility and helps fight inflammation, using it pre-workout can alleviate those symptoms and help you push harder.
  • Fight anxiety: Even experienced athletes can get pre-workout jitters. CBD may be an incredibly calming compound that can help you de-stress and focus on the task at hand. Whether you’re trying to achieve your personal best or you’re worried about looking out of practice on a certain weight machine, CBD can potentially soothe your nerves and help your performance.

Using CBD after a workout

After a grueling workout, your body needs to repair itself. If you’ve worked yourself hard enough, your muscles respond to the stress with inflammation. CBD may directly counter inflammation to help you recover faster. Here’s how to use CBD post-workout:

  • Sleep aid: Sleep is crucially important after a long workout. It helps your body recover after a day at the gym, restoring immune, nervous, skeletal and muscular systems. CBD could assist as a sleep aid, helping you fall asleep and stay asleep longer without the groggy, hungover feeling you get from prescription sleeping medications and even some over-the-counter remedies. CBD provides an all-natural way to promote healthy, restorative sleep.
  • Muscle recovery: Many athletes have discovered the benefits of CBD for muscle recovery. According to recent studies, CBD after a workout helps relieve delayed onset muscle soreness and exercise-induced muscle damage. In other words, it helps to relieve your body from potential muscle pain, aches and inflammation. You can take CBD orally or topically to experience these muscle soreness relieving benefits.

There may be multiple advantages that come from adding CBD to your daily routine. Explore the benefits of CBD for muscle recovery, sleep, mobility and more by contacting the experts at Serym Pro today. We’re ready to be trusted partners in your health and fitness regimen, guiding you to the products that are right for you and helping you to make the most of your workouts.